
Funny seal

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New jokes

Snowman snowwoman
What is the difference between a snowman and a snowwoman? Snowballs.

Woman in the mirror
A woman looks in the mirror and says I look fat and then asks her husband to give her a compliment he says ok you have perfect eye sight.

Mexican sport
What is a Mexican's favorite sport? Cross-country.

Kids conversation
Kid 1: "Hey, I bet you're still a virgin." Kid 2: "Yeah, I was a virgin until last night ." Kid 1: "As if." Kid 2: "Yeah, just ask your sister." Kid 1: "I don't have a sister." Kid 2: "You will in about nine months."

Cath the train
A man asks a farmer near a field, “Sorry sir, would you mind if I crossed your field instead of going around it? You see, I have to catch the 4:23 train.” The farmer says, “Sure, go right ahead. And if my bull sees you, you’ll even catch the 4:11 one."

Tears in eyes
My friend told me he gets tears in his eyes whenever his partner makes tender love to him. At first I thought he was an overemotional sissy, then I remembered: He's still in prison

50 cent
Yo momma's so stupid, she put two quarters in her ears and thought she was listening to 50 Cent.

Stupid momma
Your momma is so stupid when I told her Christmas is right around the corner she went looking for it.