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New jokes

Q: What starts with E, ends with E, and has only 1 letter in it? A: Envelope.

Ghosts as liars
Q: Why are ghosts bad liars? A: You can see right through them.

Snowman snowwoman
What is the difference between a snowman and a snowwoman? Snowballs.

Christmas gift
A little kids sends a letter to Santa that says: "Dear Santa I want a brother for Christmas." Santa writes back, "Dear Timmy send me me your mommy."

Man vs priest
Man to his priest: “Yesterday I sinned with an 18 year old girl.” The priest: “Squeeze 18 lemons and drink the juice all at once.” Man: “And that frees me from my sin?” Priest: “No, but it frees your face from that dirty grin.

Q: Can February march? A: No, but April may.

Ghosts as cheerleaders
Q: Why are ghosts such good cheerleaders? A: Because they have a lot of spirit!

Don´t be racist
Don't be racist; racism is a crime; and crime is for black people.